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Despite multiple research publications dedicated to female and gender history, historical studies have left behind some thematic nodes related
to thoughts, feelings, real behavior, and daily life of women of the war times, revolutions, and local armed confl icts. Understanding the interrelation between the history of women’s wartime daily life of the war times with female, gender, and military history of the country and its people in general makes historians more aware of the fact that the synthesis of ideas and methodological principles of three main research areas – the Annales School, the philosophical her67 meneutics, and existentialism – is the most productive way of studying women’s war-time daily life structures.
The approach to studies of war-time daily life of women of the past understood as the subject of a special fi eld of studies – the history of women’s war-time daily life is fundamentally new to the Ukrainian and East-European historiography in general. The originality of this approach is achieved by refocusing from fragmentary to systematic researchof the phenomenological aspect of military historical problems, which fi rst of all means accounting for the full scope of problematic and thematic components, as well as integration of science-specifi c and interdisciplinary tools in the historical research. The historian who studies women’s war-time daily life focuses the attention not merely on front (“warrior woman”, “combatant woman”) and rear (“woman at war”, “soldier woman”) types of women but on extreme life problems of women and
understanding of these problems by those who lived before us.
The approach to studies of war-time daily life of women of the past understood as the subject of a special fi eld of studies called “Warrior Women’s Studies” (Ukrainian “воєнно-історична фемінологія”) is fundamentally new to the historical studies of the 21st century.